Pax et Civitas

75 years of peace and citizenship in Europa

WHEN 1-3 May 2020
WHERE Utrecht

Pax et Civitas - 75 years of peace and citizenship in Europe

This congress will be postponed until a later date, due to the coronavirus. In May 2020, the Netherlands will celebrate 75 years of freedom. Tilburg School of Catholic Theology wishes to embrace this theme and, in collaboration with COMET (Community of Ethics Teachers), EU+ and AIPPh (Association Internationale des Professeurs de Philosophie), organizes this event, entitled 'Pax et Civitas, peace and citizenship'.

Citizenship or civic education is about acquiring an attitude to independent and critical thinking in an open and empathetic relationship with others. Or is there more to say about it?

We would like to invite everyone who is professionally involved in this theme, for example in the field of philosophy, theology, society and education, to this congress!

Around the congress
